The local boys are in a frenzy of windsurfing bliss. Pumping surf and cross shore winds are becoming a relatively common occurrence (don't speak too soon!)-could this be the year to remember?!?
Another big event happening this year is when I move into another decade of age-Yep, I'll be joining some of the other crew and hitting the big 40!!
Thankfully I don't feel 40 and I get paid to stay fit because I can use the gym quite a bit at work which is cool!!!. With windsurfing it's all about strength and fitness and the older you get the more important it is to maintain a high level of fitness. We can all sail as we get older but to keep pushing yourself when the conditions turn on gives you a great buzz, so fellow Vazon wave sailors keep up the good work. It's days like the last couple of weekends which makes us appreciate our sport and sailing to the max with your mates is the best feeling in the world!
Saturday was the better day-4.7 weather and bigger surf but these photos are of Sunday afternoon when it was much smaller but still fun.
Cheers Dimi for the pics
Low tide Vazon (Sunday 7-2-2011)